Table of contents |
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................ x
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... xii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. xiv
Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Design and Coverage ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Confidentiality of Information .............................................................................................. 2
1.4 Questionnaires .............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Staff Training .............................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Data Collection ............................................................................................................. 3
1.7 Data Processing ............................................................................................................. 3
1.8 Survey Results .............................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 2 - POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Population of Cambodia ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Household Composition ....................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Female-Headed Households .................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Age Structure ............................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Age Dependency .............................................................................................................. 8
2.6 Marital Status ............................................................................................................. 10
2.7 Disabled Population ........................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 3 - EDUCATION .......................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Adult Literacy ............................................................................................................. 14
3.3 Educational Attainment ..................................................................................................... 15
3.4 Current School Attendance .................................................................................................. 16
3.5 Enrollment Rates ........................................................................................................... 17
3.6 Educational Expenses ....................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 4 - HEALTH ............................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Morbidity Rates ............................................................................................................ 20
4.3 Age Distribution of Morbidity .............................................................................................. 21
4.4 Age Specific Morbidity Rates ............................................................................................... 21
4.5 Initial Symptoms ........................................................................................................... 22
4.6 Diarrhoea .................................................................................................................. 22
4.7 Cold and Cough with and without Difficulty in Breathing .................................................................... 22
4.8 Health Providers ........................................................................................................... 22
4.9 Health Care Expenditure .................................................................................................... 24
4.10 Smoking Habits ............................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 5 - ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION ..................................................................................... 26
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Age Specific Participation Rates ........................................................................................... 26
5.3 Employment ................................................................................................................. 28
5.4 Unemployment ............................................................................................................... 28
5.5 Employment Status .......................................................................................................... 30
5.6 Employment by Industry ..................................................................................................... 31
5.6.1 Wholesale and Retail Trade ........................................................................................... 31
5.6.2 Public Administration and Defense and Social Security ................................................................ 31
5.6.3 Education ............................................................................................................ 32
5.6.4 Health ............................................................................................................... 32
5.7 Employment by Occupation ................................................................................................... 33
5.8 Wage Employment ............................................................................................................ 34
Chapter 6 - CHILD LABOUR ....................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Child Activities ........................................................................................................... 35
6.3 Reasons for Not Attending School ........................................................................................... 36
6.4 Household Chores ........................................................................................................... 37
6.4.1 Time Spent ........................................................................................................... 38
6.4.2 Main Chores .......................................................................................................... 38
6.5 Participation in Economic Activity ......................................................................................... 39
6.6 Main Reasons for Employment ................................................................................................ 39
6.7 Work Related Illness ....................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 7 - HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS AND AMENITIES .............................................................................. 41
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Floor Area of Occupied Housing Units ....................................................................................... 41
7.3 Age of Housing Stock ....................................................................................................... 42
7.4 Construction Materials ..................................................................................................... 43
7.4.1 Walls ................................................................................................................ 43
7.4.2 Roofing Material ..................................................................................................... 43
7.4.3 Floor ................................................................................................................ 43
7.5 Source of Drinking Water ................................................................................................... 44
7.6 Source of Lighting ......................................................................................................... 46
7.7 Fuel Used for Cooking ...................................................................................................... 46
7.8 Toilet Facilities .......................................................................................................... 47
7.9 Household Durable .......................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 8 - HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE .............................................................................................. 49
8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 49
8.2 Average Monthly Household Consumption ...................................................................................... 49
8.3 Comparison of CSES 1997 and CSES 1999 Estimates ............................................................................ 50
8.4 Per Capita Expenditure ..................................................................................................... 51
8.5 Expenditure by Major Group ................................................................................................. 52
8.5.1 Average Monthly Household Consumption ................................................................................ 52
8.5.2 Average Monthly Per Capita Consumption ............................................................................... 53
8.6 Expenditure by Deciles ..................................................................................................... 53
8.6.1 Average Monthly Household Consumption ................................................................................ 53
8.6.2 Average Monthly Per Capita Consumption by Per Capita Expenditure Deciles ............................................. 54
8.7 Consumption of Selected Items .............................................................................................. 55
8.7.1 Cereals .............................................................................................................. 55
8.7.2 Fish, Meat and Eggs .................................................................................................. 55
8.7.3 Medical Care ......................................................................................................... 56
8.8 Comparability of CSES 1997 and CSES 1999 ................................................................................... 56
Chapter 9 - HOUSEHOLD INCOME ................................................................................................... 57
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 57
9.2 Average Monthly Household Income ........................................................................................... 58
9.3 Main Source of Household Income ............................................................................................ 59
9.4 Per Capita Income by Main source ........................................................................................... 60
9.5 Average Monthly per Capita Income by Quintile Group ........................................................................ 60
9.6 Average Monthly Household Income by per Capita Income Deciles .............................................................. 62
9.7 Income and Consumption Deciles ............................................................................................. 62
Chapter 10 - COMMUNITY LEVEL INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 64
10.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 64
10.2 Access to Infrastructure and Amenities .................................................................................... 64
10.3 Village Development Project ............................................................................................... 65
10.4 Agricultural Lands ........................................................................................................ 65
10.5 Income Earning Activities ................................................................................................. 67
10.6 Education Facilities ...................................................................................................... 68
10.6.1 Distance to school ................................................................................................. 69
10.6.2 Mode of Travel ..................................................................................................... 69
10.6.3 Major Problems Relating to Schooling ............................................................................... 71
10.7 Health Facilities ......................................................................................................... 71
10.7.1 Health Problems .................................................................................................... 71
10.8 Retail Prices and Wages ................................................................................................... 72
10.8.1 Urban and Rural Prices ............................................................................................. 73
10.8.2 Seasonal Variations ................................................................................................ 73
10.9 Wages ..................................................................................................................... 74
ANNEX I - APPENDIX I - STATISTICAL TABLES ...................................................................................... 76
ANNEX II - APPENDIX II - SURVEY PERSONNEL ..................................................................................... 153
APPENDIX I - STATISTCAL TABLES ................................................................................................. 76
Table B1: Population by Stratum, Five Year Age Group and Sex, Cambodia ...................................................... 77-78
Table B2: Population by Five year Group, Sex and Zone, Cambodia 1999 ........................................................ 79-81
Table B3: Percentage Distribution of Household Population by Age, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................ 82-84
Table B4: Percentage Distribution of Male-heads and Female-heads by Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................. 85
Table B5: Distribution of Household by Household Size and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................... 85
Table B6: Distribution of Household by Household Size and Zone, Cambodia 1999 .................................................. 86
Table B7: Marital Status by Age, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................................. 87-89
Table B8: Disabled Population by Type of Disability and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ................................................. 90
Table B9: Disabled Population by Cause of Disability and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ................................................ 91
Table C1: Population 5 years and Over by Educational Attainment and Stratum, CSES 1999 ...................................... 92-93
Table C2: Population Aged 5-24 Never Attended, Ever Attended but not Currently at School
and Currently at School by Stratum - 1999 ......................................................................... 94-95
Table C3: Average Annual Educational Expenses by Grade, Sex and Sector, CSES 1999 ........................................... 96-97
Table D1: Persons who Reported any Illness, Injury or Health Care Need Classified by Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............ 98
Table D2: Age Specific Morbidity Rates by Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................ 99
Table D3: Distribution of Persons who Reported any Illness or Injury by Initial Symptom, Sex and Stratum, CSES 1999 ....... 100-101
Table D4: Distribution of Persons who had Diarrhoea by Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 .............................. 102
Table D5: Distribution of Persons who Reported Initial Symptoms of Cold and Cough without Rapid or Difficult Breathing
by Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........................................................................ 103
Table D6: Distribution of Persons who had Cold and Cough with Rapid or Difficult Breathing
by Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........................................................................ 104
Table D7: Smoking Prevalence Rates by Age, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ................................................. 105-106
Table E1: Employment Rates by Age, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................................. 107
Table E2: Employ Population by Duration Employed During the Reference Year by Sex and Stratum 1999 ............................ 108
Table E3: Percentage Distribution of Labour Force Participation Rates, Population Aged 5 Years and Over,
Economically Active and Economically Inactive Population by Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........... 109-110
Table F1: Reasons for Not Attending a School/Training by Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ....................................... 111
Table F2: Number of Children Who Performed Household Chores by Age, Number of Hours per Week and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ....... 112
Table F3: Children Who Performed Household Chores by Type of Household Chores by Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........... 113-114
Table F4: Children Who Worked for Pay Profit or Family Gain by Age, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........................ 115-116
Table F5: Children Who Worked for Pay Profit or Family Gain by Main Reason, Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ................ 117-118
Table F6: Number of Children Who Suffered from Illness Related to Work by Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ...................... 119
Table G1: Floor Area of Occupied Housing Units - 1999 ......................................................................... 120
Table G2: Age of Housing Stock - 1999 ......................................................................................... 120
Table G3: Distribution of Occupied Housing Units by Kind of Materials Used for Wall - 1999 .................................... 120
Table G4: Distribution of Occupied Housing Units by Kind of Materials Used for Roofs - 1999 ................................... 121
Table G5: Distribution of Occupied Housing Units by Kind of Materials Used for Floors - 1999 .................................. 121
Table G6: Distribution of Household Main Source of Drinking Water - 1999 ...................................................... 121
Table G7: Distribution of Household Main Source of Lighting - 1999 ............................................................ 122
Table G8: Distribution of Household by Type of Fuel Used for Cooking - 1999 ................................................... 122
Table G9: Distribution of Household by Toilet Facilities - 1999 ............................................................... 123
Table G10: Household Durables and Assets - 1999 ............................................................................... 123
Table H1: Average Monthly Household Consumption by Major Group and Zone, Cambodia 1999 ........................................ 124
Table H2: Average Monthly Household Consumption by per Capita Expenditure Decile and Zone, Cambodia 1999 ...................... 124
Table H3: Average Monthly per Capita Consumption by per Capita Expenditure Decile and Zone, Cambodia 1999 ..................... 124
Table H4: Average Monthly per Capita Consumption by Item and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........................................... 125
Table H5: Average Monthly per Capita Consumption by Item and Zone, Cambodia 1999 .............................................. 126
Table H6: Average Monthly per Capita Consumption by Item and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ....................................... 127-130
Table I1: Average Monthly Household Income by Main Source of Income by Zone, Cambodia 1999 .................................... 131
Table I2: Average Monthly per Capita Income by Main Source of Income by Zone, Cambodia 1999 ................................... 131
Table I3: Average Monthly Income by Quintile Group of Household per Capita Income and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 .................. 131
Table I4: Average Monthly Income by Quintile Group of Household per Capita Income and Zone, Cambodia 1999 ..................... 131
Table I5: Average Monthly per Capita Income by Quintile Group of Household per Capita Income - 1999 ........................... 132
Table I6: Average Monthly per Capita Income by per Capita Income Decile and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................ 132
Table I7: Average Monthly Household Income and per Capita Income by per Capita Income Decile and Average Monthly Consumption .. 133
Table I8: Average Monthly Household Income and per Capita Income and Average Monthly Household Consumption
and per Capita Consumption by per Capita Income Decile and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ................................... 134
Table J1: Number and Percentage of Sampled Villages Having Amenities and Facilities within the Village - 1999 ................. 135
Table J2: Number and Percentage of Villages with On-going Development Projects Sponsored by Government and NGO by Zone,
Cambodia 1999 ....................................................................................................... 135
Table J3: Income Earning Activities Prioritized by Village Leaders - 1999 ..................................................... 135
Table J4: Major Problems Relating to Primary Schools Listed by Village Leader - 1999 .......................................... 136
Table J4A: Major Problems Relating to Secondary Schools Listed by Village Leader - 1999 ....................................... 137
Table J4B: Major Problems Relating to Upper Secondary Schools Listed by Village Leader - 1999 ................................. 138
Table J5: Number and Percentage of Villages with Most Important Health Problems - 1999 .................................... 139-142
Table J6: Major Problems with the Health Services Prioritized by Villages - 1999 .......................................... 143-146
Table J7: Average Price of Food Items in Both Rounds by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ................................................ 147
Table J7A: Average Price of Non-Food Items in Both Rounds by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........................................... 148
Table J7B: Average Price of Medicine Items in Both Rounds by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ........................................... 148
Table J8: Average Price of Food Items in Round 1 by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 .................................................... 149
Table J8A: Average Price of Non-Food Items in Round 1 by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................... 150
Table J8B: Average Price of Medicine Items in Round 1 by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................... 150
Table J9: Average Price of Food Items in Round 2 by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 .................................................... 151
Table J9A: Average Price of Non-Food Items in Round 2 by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................... 152
Table J9B: Average Price of Medicine Items in Round 2 by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 ............................................... 152
Table No. Titles Page
1 Households and Population by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 5
2 Number of Households, Average Household Size, Percentage of Female-Headed Households and Single Person Households
(based on truncated frame) by Sector and Regional, Cambodia 1999 6
3 Distribution of Household by Household Size, Cambodia 1999 7
4 Population by Broad Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 8
5 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio - 1999 10
6 Percentage Distribution of Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Marital Status and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 11
7 Disabled Population by Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 12
8 Adult Literacy Rates by Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 14
9 Age Specific Literacy Rates and Estimated Illiterate Population 1999 15
10 Population Aged 25 and Over by Education Level and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 16
11 Population Currently Attending School Aged 5-24 by Level and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 17
12 Age Specific School Enrollment Rates of Population Aged 5-19 Years by Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 18
13 Persons who Reported Illness or Injury and Sought Treatment, Cambodia 1999 21
14 Distribution of Persons who had Reported Illness or Injury by Health Providers Consulted for First Consultation
by Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 23
15 Average of Medical Care in the Four Weeks Preceding the Survey by Main Initial Symptoms and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 24
16 Labour Force Participation, Employment and Unemployment Rates by Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 27
17 Labour Force Participation Rates by 5 Years Age Group, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 28
18 Unemployed Population by Duration of Seeking for Work by Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 29
19 Employed Population (aged 10 years and above) by Employment Status (based on primary occupation), Sex and Stratum,
Cambodia 1999 31
20 Employed Population (aged 10 years and above) by Industry Group (based on primary industry), Sex and Stratum,
Cambodia 1999 32
21 Employed Population (aged 10 years and above) by Occupation Group (based on primary occupation), Sex and Stratum,
Cambodia 1999 33
22 Monthly Wages of Paid Employees (based on their primary occupation) by Major Occupation group and Stratum,
Cambodia 1999 34
23 Distribution of Children Aged 5-17 years by School Attendance,
Participation in Household Chores and Economic Activity, Cambodia 1999 36
24 Reasons for not Attending School or Training Institution Full-time by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 37
25 Number of Children Who Helped in Household Chores by Age and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 38
26 Children Who Worked for Pay, Profit or Family Gain by Age, Sex and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 40
27 Floor Area of Occupied Housing Unit - 1999 41
28 Age of Housing Stock - 1999 42
29 Percentage Distribution of Occupied Housing Units by Kind of Materials Used for Walls - 1999 43
30 Percentage Distribution of Occupied Housing Units by Kind of Materials Used for Roofs - 1999 44
31 Percentage Distribution of Occupied Housing Units by Kind of Materials Used for Floors - 1999 44
32 Percentage Distribution of Households by Main Source of Drinking Water - 1999 46
33 Percentage Distribution of Households by Main Source of Lighting - 1999 46
34 Percentage Distribution of Households by Type of Fuel for Cooking - 1999 47
35 Percentage Distribution of Households by Toilet Facilities - 1999 47
36 Household Durable and Assets - 1999 48
37 Average Monthly Household Consumption - 1999 50
38 Average Monthly Household Consumption in 1997 and 1999 51
39 Average Monthly Household Consumption by Major Group and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 52
40 Average Monthly per Capita Consumption by Expenditure Group and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 53
41 Average Monthly per Household Consumption by per Capita Expenditure Decile and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 54
42 Average Monthly per Capita Consumption by per Capita Expenditure Decile and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 55
43 Average Monthly Income by Stratum and Zone, Cambodia 1999 59
44 Average Monthly Household Income by Main Source of Income by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 59
45 Average Monthly per Capita Income by Main Source of Income by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 60
46 Average Monthly per Capita Income by Quintile Group of Household per Capita Income and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 60
47 Average Monthly Household Income by per Capita Income Decile and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 62
48 Number and Percentage of Sampled Villages
Having Amenities and Facilities within the Village - 1999 65
49 Number and Percentage of Villages with On-going Development Projects Sponsored by Government and NGO by Sector,
Cambodia 1999 66
50 Total Agricultural Lands Prepared for Paddy Cultivation and Extent Irrigated by Sector and Zone - 1999 66
51 Income Earning Activities Prioritized by Village Leaders - 1999 68
52 Distribution of school by Level and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 69
53 Distance to School by Level and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 70
54 Mode of Travel to School by Level and Stratum, Cambodia 1999 70
55 Percentage of Villages with the Type of Health Facilities and Providers by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 72
56 Price Differentials between Round 1 and Round 2 for Selected Food Items - 1999 74
57 Median and Average Wages for Male, Female and Child Labour by Stratum, Cambodia 1999 75 |